Minecraft: The Redstone Starter Guide


Now that you’ve been playing Minecraft for a while, you probably want to start building something involving redstone. At first, redstone construction may sound overwhelming, but once you understand the basics, it’s a lot less complex than it first appears. Redstone is the Minecraft equivalent of electronics, but with a few differences. We’ll start first by discussing how redstone works at a basic level: In order for a redstone circuit to do anything useful, it must have … Read More

Minecrafting For the Beginner


The virus swept through the world, a terrifying parody of low budget horror movies, turning loved ones into ravenous beasts. Aboard the last ship of living humans you head out, trying to survive at sea until the danger passes. But something much more sinister is at play. A magical apocalypse is upon us. The world heaves and buckles, landmasses change, ancient rites once again regain their power, and your boat is destroyed, leaving you in … Read More

Choosing a Minecraft Resource Pack


 On the surface, choosing a Minecraft resource pack seems like it should be a no brainer. In fact, picking a pack of pickled… er… pixels… feels like such a simple action that you tell yourself, “Hey, I’ll just randomly pick one of the nice ones on the various resource pack sites.” Well, sure, you can tell yourself that, and maybe it’d even be true… if there weren’t thousands of resource packs out there and if … Read More